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DigidownT Chipset FAQs

Integration of the DigidownT Chipset requires both hardware and software development. If you would like to start the integration process, or find out more, please contact us.

The DigidownT Chipset uses the existing telematics connection, so does not require a separate SIM card. The DigidownT Chipset will send files over the telematics connection, however these are relatively small. The extra data required by the DigidownT Chipset will depend on the frequency of tachograph downloads.

On the rear of all standard digital tachographs there are four 8-way connectors. These are easily identified by their colours:

  • Connector A is white and provides power to the tachograph. It is also used for CAN1, the main control bus for the vehicle. For safety and good operation of the vehicle, the DigidownT Chipset does not use CAN1.
  • Connector B is yellow and connects to the speed sensor in the gear box. DigidownT Chipset does not use this connector.
  • Connector C is red and contains CAN2, the secondary vehicle control bus. This is expressly provided for remote downloading and is isolated within the tachograph. Activities on CAN2 cannot affect the operation of the vehicle. This is the primary connection used by the DigidownT Chipset.
  • Connector D is brown and provides some real time data that can be useful to collect.

We can provide you with a cable to connect to the red and brown slots on the back of the tachograph. We can supply this cable with a connection to your telematics box, or open ended so you can fit your own.

If you discover other devices plugged into the red or brown connections, or some other connection situation, please contact us and we can provide you with appropriate cables.

Please see our DigidownHost User Guide. If you have not been provided with DigidownHost software, please contact us.

The files downloaded by the DigidownT Chipset are passed to the vehicle telematics system. The sending of these files is controlled entirely by the telematics system.

The DigidownT Chipset is a remote downloading device, therefore can only be used with tachographs where this has been enabled. Tachograph versions VDO 1.3 and later, and Stoneridge 7.1 and later with remote downloading options turned on are suitable for use with the DigidownT. Please ask your workshop or contact us if you are unsure.

The DigidownT Chipset provides access to the D8 tachograph live stream and various driver, tachograph and vehicle information when required.