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DigidownTerminal FAQs

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Network Configuration

Step 1: When the DigidownTerminal is first booted up, the default network interface is Ethernet. To change this to Wifi, first press the bottom left hand corner of the touch screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN to access the menu. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue" to go to the Main Menu.

Step 3: Open the 'Network' menu.

Step 4: Once in the 'Network' menu, change the Network Interface to WiFi.

Step 5: Close the menu and save the changes.
Open the WiFi menu and the Terminal will scan for networks.

Step 6: Once the detected networks are listed, press the one you wish to connect to.

Step 7: Enter the network password if necessary.

Step 8: The DigidownTerminal will attempt to connect to the network.

Step 9: If the DigidownTerminal fails to connect, and you know the password is correct, close all the menus and leave the DigidownTerminal on the main screen until it connects.

Step 1: When the DigidownTerminal is first booted up, the default network interface is Ethernet. To change this to GPRS, first press the bottom left hand corner of the touch screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN to access the menu. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue" to go to the Main Menu.

Step 3: Open the 'Network' menu.

Step 4: Once in the 'Network' menu, change the Network Interface to GPRS.

Step 5: Close the menu and save the changes.
Return to the home screen, and wait for the GPRS signal to appear.

Step 6: Open the menu again, and open the GPRS settings menu.

Step 7: Obtain your network's APN details and enter them into the relevant fields. You can get your APN details from your SIM supplier, or find them online (You can find most UK APNs here).

Step 8: Press 'Test Connection' to check that a connection can be made to the APN.

Step 9: If connection is successful, return to the home screen to verify GPRS is up and running. There should be a GPRS signal, and a 'G' to indicate successful APN connection.

Step 1: Press the bottom left hand corner of the touch screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN to access the menu. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue" to go to the Main Menu.

Step 3: Open the 'Network' menu.

Step 4: Press the 'IP address Settings' button in the bottom left.

Step 5: The IP address of the DigidownTerminal is displayed along with other network information. The ethernet MAC address is displayed in the bottom left. The WiFi Module MAC address can be found on the WiFi screen.

Check that you are entering the WiFi password correctly. If you are, and the DigidownTerminal reports that it cannot connect to the network, return to the home screen and leave the unit for 30-60 seconds. The unit should connect to the WiFi.

Step 1: Press the bottom left hand corner of the touch screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN to access the menu. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue" to go to the Main Menu.

Step 3: Open the 'Network' menu.

Step 4: Press the 'IP address Settings' button in the bottom left.

Step 5: By default DHCP is selected and IP details cannot be edited. Select 'STATIC' at the top to allow editing.

Step 6: Enter the Static IP details and click Apply to save.

YES, but - the DigidownTerminal is a network device, and as such cannot be connected to a PC via USB. It can however still send data to a computer without a network, provided the PC and the DigidownTerminal are correctly setup.

Connecting the DigidownTerminal directly to a PC with a network cable

  1. Using a crossover ethernet cable, connect the DigidownTerminal to the the PC.
  2. Set both the PC and the DigidownTerminal to use static IPs, ensuring that they share the same subnet mask and gateway.

Note: This method is only compatible with the FTP upload method where the address is the IP address of the PC

Step 1: The DigidownTerminal GPRS is supplied with the case open for easy SIM card insertion. If your DigidownTerminal is screwed together, remove the rubber feet if necessary and carefully unscrew the case.

Step 2: Insert the SIM with the cut corner facing up in the SIM card slot indicated.

Step 3: Replace the casing back and carefully screw back together, being careful not to overtight the screws as this may damage the case.

Unless you know what you are doing, or have been told by your IT department to use static IP, always select DHCP.

Upload Configuration

Many different FTP server options exist on the market. For a free and easy setup option, we recommend FileZilla.

See our guide on how to download and setup Filezilla.

The only requirements necessary for the DigidownTerminal to use an FTP server is that the FTP user has Read/Write/Delete/Append privileges.

Step 1: Start up the DigidownTerminal and wait for initialising to complete.
Connect the DigidownTerminal to a network (not necessary for setup but needed for testing). Press the bottom left hand corner of the touch screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN to access the menu. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue" to go to the Main Menu.

Step 3: Open the 'Upload' button.

Step 4: FTP is the default upload method. Enter in your FTP server name, user and password.
The FTP address is the server you have your FTP server installed on and can be in an IP format or in a server name format i.e: or

Step 5: Enter in your FTP directory.
Ticking the 'root' box will simply put the files into the top level folder for the user you have entered. You can specify folders within the 'root' directory by entering them in the format folder1/folder2.

Step 6: If you are connected to a network, you can now test your FTP details by clicking the 'Test Connection' button.
This will attempt to find the server by sending a ping request, and will then attempt to upload a Terminal_Test.txt file

Step 7: You have successfully setup the DigidownTerminal for FTP if the test connection is successful. If the test is unsuccessful, ensure you are connected to a network and make sure your FTP details are correct.

Step 1: Startup the DigidownTerminal and wait for initialising to complete.
Connect the DigidownTerminal to a network (not necessary for setup but needed for testing). Note that for email to work, the network must have internet access. Press the bottom left hand corner of the touch screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN to access the menu. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue" to go to the Main Menu.

Step 3: Open the 'Upload' button.

Step 4: FTP is the default upload method. Change to email be selecting the 'Email' header at the top of the screen.

Step 5: Enter in your destination email address.

Step 6: If you are connected to a network, you can now test send a test email by pressing the 'Send Test Email' button.

Step 7: You have successfully set up the DigidownTerminal for email if the test is successful and you receive an email in your inbox.

DigidownHold is a Lisle Design server which acts as an interface between the DigidownTerminal and specific analysis software (e.g. SmartAnalysis).

Step 1: Open a web browser and go to
Log into the portal using the admin username and password provided by Lisle Design. You can change this password after login through the 'My Account' menu.

Step 2: At first log-in you will be prompted to register a Company. The default password for the company is your admin password. Enter a company name and change the password should you wish, then click 'OK'. If the company has already been registered (either by you or another administrator), the entry will be rejected.

Step 3: Following successful registration of a company, you will see the list of companies registered under your Administrator account. From this screen you can choose to add more companies, edit company details, delete companies, or register DigidownTerminals to that company. To add a DigidownTerminal to a company, click on the number of DigidownTerminals in the company row. You will be prompted to add a DigidownTerminal if none are registered.

Step 4: The DigidownTerminal ID can be found by accessing the menu on the DigidownTerminal itself, and navigating to the About Menu. The ID is a 8 character number made up of numbers and letters (i.e. 8DA27672). The portal will reject the ID number if it has already been registered, or if it is entered incorrectly. You may also enter an optional owner and the location of the DigidownTerminal.

Step 5: Following successful registration of the DigidownTerminal, a list of DigidownTerminals registered to that company is available.

Step 6: If you intend to connect DigidownHold to SmartAnalysis, once you have successfully setup all companies and DigidownTerminals on the web portal, you will need to provide the company names and passwords to Descartes in order to allow the files uploaded from the DigidownTerminal to be seen by SmartAnalysis.

Step 7: Power up the DigidownTerminal and connect it to your local network after it has initialised.

Step 8: Enter the Menu PIN to access the menu. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue" to go to the Main Menu.

Step 9: Open the 'Upload' button.

Step 10: By default, FTP is configured. Change this to 'DigidownHold'. You will see your ID number and a large 'x'. If DigidownTerminal is connected to the internet and you have successfully registered the DigidownTerminal to a company through the DigidownHold portal, you can then click 'Authenticate' on the DigidownTerminal screen.

Step 11: Following successful authentication with DigidownHold, the DigidownTerminal will have a green tick and display the information provided by the server. Click apply and the DigidownTerminal is ready to upload to DigidownHold.

Step 1: If you have bought a DigidownTerminal enabled for VisionFTA, it will be the only upload method available. Ensure you are connected to a network with internet access, then press the bottom left hand corner of the screen to open the menu and enter your PIN if necessary.

Step 2: Open the FTA Vision menu.

Step 3: Enter your FTA member no. to log in.

Step 4: Once login has been successful, your list of depots will be presented. Choose the depot where the DigidownTerminal is located and press 'OK'.

Step 5: Press 'Close' to apply the new FTA Vision settings.

Possible reasons for this message:

  • You mistyped the FTP address.
  • The FTP server is down.
  • The FTP server does not support the PING/ICMP protocol. If this is the case, 'ping' can be disabled in the Further Settings menu.
  • The DigidownTerminal is not on the same network as the FTP server

Terminal Administration

Step 1: Press the bottom left-hand corner of the home screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue".

Step 3: Open the 'Terminal' menu.

Step 4: Open the 'Display' menu.

Step 5: Press the 'Rotate screen' button to rotate the screen.

Step 1: Press the bottom left hand corner of the home screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue" to go to the Main Menu.

Step 3: Open the 'Terminal' menu.

Step 4: Open the 'Display' menu.

Step 5: Open the 'Brightness' menu.

Step 6: Use the arrow buttons to increase/decrease the screen brightness.

Step 1: Press the bottom left hand corner of the touch screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue" to go to the Main Menu.

Step 3: Open the 'Terminal' menu.

Step 4: Open the 'Display' menu.

Step 5: Open the 'Personalise' menu.

Step 6: Press 'Change Colours' to change the button colour. Contact your distributor to ask about changing the homescreen logo.

Step 1: Files can be extracted from the DigidownTerminal by inserting a DigidownGet USB drive. This is simply any USB drive which has been formatted with the label 'DIGIDOWNGET'. Alternatively, files can be extracted onto any USB device with the following steps.

Step 2: Press the bottom left-hand corner of the home screen to open the menu.

Step 3: Enter the Menu PIN. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue".

Step 4: Open the 'Memory' menu.

Step 5: Open the 'Downloads Management' menu.

Step 6: Press the 'Extract Downloads' button and then insert a USB device when prompted.

Step 1: After files have been sent by the DigidownTerminal, they are placed in an archive folder for a set number of days. These files can be unarchived, and thus sent again by following these steps. Press the bottom left-hand corner of the home screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue".

Step 3: Open the 'Memory' menu.

Step 4: Open the 'Archives Management' menu.

Step 5: Press the 'Unarchive Files' button and then return to the homepage to allow the files to upload again.

Step 1: The DigidownTerminal comes equipped with a logging function which records the messages sent between the DigidownTerminal and the download tools and networks.
These logs can then be used to find and diagnose issues. Carry out the following steps to enable log files and extract them after testing.

Step 2: Press the bottom left-hand corner of the home screen to open the menu.

Step 3: Enter the Menu PIN. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue".

Step 4: Open the 'Memory' menu.

Step 5: Open the 'Log File Management' menu.

Step 6: Press the 'Enable Log Files' button.

Step 7: Enable the log file(s) that most closely matches the area where the issue lies.

Step 8: Close all the menus down, and run the device such that the issue occurs repetitively.

Step 9: Re-open the menu and navigate to the Log File Management screen. Click 'Extract Logs' and insert a USB drive when prompted.
The log files will be placed onto a folder on the USB drive. Send these files to your distributor to assist with finding the issue.

Step 10: Once the issue has been resolved, ensure all logs are disabled as they will slow the device down when enabled.

Step 1: You can update DigidownTerminal by following these steps, if the unit has internet connection. If an internet connection is not available, please get in contact with us for instructions on how to update the unit manually. To start with, press the bottom left-hand corner of the home screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue".

Step 3: Open the 'Terminal' menu.

Step 4: Open the 'Software Management' menu.

Step 5: Press 'Check for updates' and wait until the unit is updated to the latest sofware. If this button is not available, please get in contact with us.

The serial number can be found on the underside of the unit.

Step 1: The DigidownTerminal ID number identifies the unit on a network.To find it, power on the DigidownTerminal and press the bottom left hand corner of the home screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue" to go to the Main Menu.

Step 3: Open the 'Terminal' menu.

Step 4: Open the 'About' menu.

Step 5: The ID number is displayed on screen.

Step 1: Press the bottom left hand corner of the home screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue".

Step 3: Open the 'Terminal' menu.

Step 4: Open the 'Clock' menu.

Step 5: Change the time/date by using the respective menus.

Step 1: Press the bottom left-hand corner of the home screen to open the menu.

Step 2: Enter the Menu PIN. If a PIN has not been configured, simply press "Continue".

Step 3: Open the 'Terminal' menu.

Step 4: Open the 'Admin' menu.

Step 5: Press over the current language and select your desired choice. If the selected language is not installed, follow the instructions on the screen.

Step 1: Download the latest install files from here.

Step 2: Once downloaded, open the zip file and extract the contents.

Step 3: Open the extracted folder and copy the SETUP folder onto a USB drive (must be under 32GB). Insert the USB stick into the Terminal. Note: It may ask for it a second time after downloading necessary files.

Download Tools

The smartcard slot on the DigidownTerminal is capable of downloading driver cards, company cards, control cards and workshop cards. Insert the card with the front facing the display (and the user).

The 6 pin serial port on the DigidownTerminal currently provides support for downloading the Tachosys range of devices and the DIS download key. Any other download tools must use the USB port.

The USB port on the DigidownTerminal currently supports a range of USB download tools including the VDO Download Key range, OPTAC tools, the Tachodrive range, and of course the Digidown range.
The DigidownTerminal comes equipped with a short USB cable for connecting devices to the unit if necessary.

The DigidownTerminal also supports RFID chips (commonly known as contactless cards) including MIFARE, NFC203 and similar tags and cards. A download of a RFID chip creates a file in a .fsp format.