Quick Start

About Digidown Host

Before a person can download files from a digital tachograph, they need to prove to it that they are someone who is entitled to access the data. This process is called authentication and is usually performed by inserting a company card into the tachograph. Authentication can also be achieved by a company card and a tachograph communicating with each other when they are not in the same place.This process is known as remote authentication.

DigidownHost is a cross platform (Linux/Windows) application which allows remote authentication to take place by handling communication between a company card and a DigidownT/RDL or DigidownBlue device connected to a digital tachograph.

DigidownHost is capable of handling communication for one or more companies each with one or more company cards. Remote authentication can then take place between a vehicle’s tachograph and any company card associated with that vehicle’s company.

Hyper Rack Only

Please note this version of Digidown Host does not work with standard USB Smart Card Readers

This documentation is for the Windows version

If you are looking for Linux documentation click here

Setup and Installation

Step One - Prerequisites

  1. If you are currently running a host bellow v6, uninstall the old version to avoid interference with the new version. If you are current running host v6, shutdown the service before installing the new version.
  2. Download DigidownHost
  3. Windows running on x64
  4. Dotnet desktop runtime 8.0 - An installer for this is packaged with the installer.
    If required, install this before Host.
  5. If you are unsure run Dotnet desktop runtime 8.0 first.
  6. Run the DigidownHost installer and follow any on screen instructions.
    If you are installing from a previous version of host, you will not see any on screen instructions.

Step Two - Using Host

  1. digidownHost v6 on windows runs as a windows service. This service will start with the computer and will restart 3 times if there are any failures. After the 3rd restart the service will stop and the administrator of the installation will receive an email.